Waiver, Insurance, & Financial Support Programs

Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability (SSI) is based on both disability and income eligibility for children with special health care needs. If children qualify, they are eligible for a WV Medical Card to help cover expenses and cost of care, in addition to need-based funding from the state. To apply, contact your local DHHR. If denied for SSI, request a formal denial letter and apply for the CDCSP Program.

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WV Title 19 Waiver (I/DD Waiver)

Title 19 Home and Community Based Waiver (I/DD Waiver) is run through APS Healthcare. This program is designated for individuals age 3 and up. The IDD Waiver provides a lifetime medical card and a host of other services for children with lifelong disabilities. These services may include respite care, paid transportation, and therapeutic services. To apply, call 1-866-385-8920.

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WV ABLE is a specialized savings account for individuals with disabilities. It allows families to save money for their child without jeopardizing their eligibility for SSI/Medicaid. Children can have over $2,000 in financial resources in their ABLE account while still receiving government disability benefits. For more information call (304) 340-5050.

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Diapers and Pull-Ups

Diapers and Pull-ups can be free of charge through the WV Medical Card for children age 3 and up. A prescription from the child's primary care doctor indicating “urinary incontinence” is required. Families then take their child's medical card and the prescription to any local home health care supply company. For example, one company that ships statewide is Family Medical Supply, 1 (800) 374-3795.

Autism Care Today (Fencing)

Autism Care Today is an organization that has grants for families and will fund safety fencing for families of children with Autism.

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CDCSP Program

Children with Disabilities Community Service Program (CDCSP) is an optional Medicaid program that allows children with disabilities to receive medical assistance. Children must qualify to receive the level of care provided in a medical institution, though they do not need to be receiving services from a medical institution. Only the child's income and assets are considered, providing all other eligibility criteria are met. Children receive a West Virginia Medicaid card through this program. For more information, visit www.pcasolutions.com or call (304) 776-7230.

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WV HIPP Program

West Virginia Health Insurance Premium Payment (WV HIPP) is a state-funded program for qualifying Medicaid recipients and their families who have access to health insurance that is either self-funded, available through a job, or COBRA. If an applicant qualifies, the state will pay the monthly cost of the premium for a health insurance policy that covers the policyholder and their Medicaid dependent(s). Medicaid may also pay out-of-pocket medical expenses when the HIPP member sees a qualifying physician. For more information, visit www.mywvhipp.com or call 1-855-699-8447.

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CSHCN Program

Children with Special Health Care Needs Program (CSHCN) provides care coordination, assistance in navigating DHHR & community resources, and provides financial assistance with medical foods. CSHCN is intended for children and youth with certain chronic, debilitating conditions by providing specialized medical care and care coordination services who meet financial and medical eligibility criteria. For more information call 1-800-642-9704.

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Transportation (ModivCare)

ModivCare (formerly LogistiCare) provides non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) provides transportation for eligible WV Medicaid Members to travel to and from their Medicaid covered healthcare services. NEMT services include gas mileage reimbursement, passes for fixed route buses, and transportation supplied by private transportation providers. Trip requests require 5 business days' notice and transportation will only be provided to and from your address on record with WV Medicaid. For more information call 844-549-8353.

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